Every year, Daiwa Securities Co. Ltd. holds a Capital Markets Conference (DCMC) in Tokyo covering the major global economic and market issues of the moment. The event attracts more than 100 major worldwide institutional borrowers and investors from across Asia, Europe, Oceania, North America and, of course, Japan. Participants include sovereign wealth funds, central banks and other significant asset managers.

Each year sees a first-class list of speakers. Recent years have seen contributions from, notable US speakers including ex-Fed Vice Chairman Donald Kohn, ex-Fed Chairman Paul Volcker, ex-Fed members William Poole, Gary Stern and Michael Moskow. Japanese speakers have included former Policy Board members of the Bank of Japan and Japanese Ministers. Most prominent among our European speakers in recent years has been Klaus Regling, CEO of the EFSF.

The 2012 conference was held on December 6-7 in Tokyofs prestigious Imperial Hotel. Speakers included:

Kevin Warsh - What he does now and former Member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Kiyoshi Kurokawa - What he does now and former Chairman of National Diet of Japan Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission (NAIIC)
Toshiro Mutoh - Chairman, Daiwa Institute of Research and former Deputy Governor and Policy Board Member at the Bank of Japan
Massimo Rostagno - Head of Monetary Policy Policy Strategy Division, European Central Bank

Special Thanks for TABLE FOR TWO !!
(Reference: http://www.tablefor2.org/aboutus/index.html)

This year saw us collaborate for the first time with TABLE FOR TWO, a non-profit organization established in Japan in 2007 with the aim of helping to tackle both hunger in the developing world and obesity in the developed world. One day of the conference saw a healthier and lower-calorie lunch provided, with the savings made donated to provide 12,500 school meals at an elementary school in Africa. And while enjoying their healthy lunch, conference participants had the opportunity to hear from Mr. Kogure, Director of TABLE FOR TWO, who outlined the important work that this organization does.